Conor ReevesApr 24, 20191 min readTeachers and temporary warriors. What an image this is! It shows two of the masters at Sandbach School who left their posts to serve in the Great War. On the left of the...
Conor ReevesApr 20, 20191 min readMr Crockett; an officer on the Somme. Mr. H. L. Crockett, former Oxford scholar, became the Head Master of Sandbach School between 1926-46. He took over from the S.W. Finn...
Conor ReevesApr 20, 20191 min readA yearly breakdown of the Sandbach School Roll-of-Honour.Underneath are the yearly breakdowns of fatalities of Sandbach School's Old Boys and Masters (where the information is available) 1914 0...
Conor ReevesApr 20, 20191 min readTightening the purse string; a war of sacrifices. As war engulfed the school, and engulfed it did, it effected many changes. The School had owned land at Waterloo Road, Cobridge which had...
Conor ReevesApr 20, 20191 min readMr William Wilberforce Taylor, the temporary master. As many of the School's teachers were resigning (many temporarily) to serve the war effort in one way or another, the school needed new...
Conor ReevesApr 20, 20191 min readMr Ernest Craig MP, Sandbach School's magnate and committed Old Sandbachian. The war-time MP for the Crewe District was Ernest Craig, a Unionist politician who won a by-election in 1912 with 44% of the vote. Craig...